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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 19, Issue 1, pp. 1-256

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Attractors for the Penalized Navier–Stokes Equations

B. Brefort, J. M. Ghidaglia, and R. Temam

pp. 1-21

On the Motion of Viscous Fluids in the Presence of Diffusion

Paolo Secchi

pp. 22-31

The Equations of One-Dimensional Unsteady Flame Propagation: Existence and Uniqueness

B. Larrouturou

pp. 32-59

The Acoustic Approximation for Compressible Flow in the Presence of a Surface Undergoing Small Amplitude Vibrations

Jeffery Cooper

pp. 60-69

An Existence Theorem for Slightly Compressible Materials in Nonlinear Elasticity

P. Charrier, B. Dacorogna, B. Hanouzet, and P. Laborde

pp. 70-85

Perturbation Methods for Solid Diffusion in a Stefan Problem

Joseph D. Fehribach

pp. 86-99

Bifurcation Analysis of Reaction-Diffusion Equations. VI. Multiply Periodic Travelling Waves

James C. Alexander and Giles Auchmuty

pp. 100-109

Quasilinear Evolution Equations in Nonclassical Diffusion

Kenneth Kuttler and Elias Aifantis

pp. 110-120

A Theorem of La Salle–Lyapunov Type for Parabolic Systems

Ray Redheffer, Reinhard Redlinger, and Wolfgang Walter

pp. 121-132

Bounded Solutions of Volterra Equations

Jan Prüss

pp. 133-149

On Limit States of a Linearized Boltzmann Equation

Milan Miklavcic

pp. 150-152

Existence, Uniqueness and Regularity of a Time-Periodic Probability Density Distribution Arising in a Sedimentation-Diffusion Problem

Ludwig C. Nitsche, Johannes M. Nitsche, and Howard Brenner

pp. 153-166

Remarks on the Second Eigenvalue of a Symmetric Simply Connected Plane Region

Chao-Liang Shen

pp. 167-171

Regularity of the Solution of Elliptic Problems with Piecewise Analytic Data. Part I. Boundary Value Problems for Linear Elliptic Equation of Second Order

I. Babuska and B. Q. Guo

pp. 172-203

A Generalized Dirichlet Principle for Second Order Nonselfadjoint Elliptic Operators

Ross G. Pinsky

pp. 204-213

On the Determination of a Function from Spherical Averages

Lars-Erik Andersson

pp. 214-232

Degree of Approximation of Real Functions by Reciprocals of Real and Complex Polynomials

A. L. Levin and E. B. Saff

pp. 233-245

The Newtonian Graph of a Complex Polynomial

Michael Shub, David Tischler, and Robert F. Williams

pp. 246-256